Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hadley's 2 month Check up

Even though we're closer to 3 months than 2, Hadley went to her 2 month check up this week. She's healthy girl! Weighing in at 14 lbs, 10 oz. and 25" tall. That puts her at the very top of the charts!
We got those horrible vaccines, but she was such a trooper! She's really such a great and content baby.  She cried for a couple minutes and then took a nice long nap for me!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Luke starts School

Luke started school last week.  I was told by my husband that his outfit was not a good choice :)
I thought it was cute: first day of 2 year preschool and a chance to reuse his 2nd birthday shirt.
I sent him the next day in a much more manly shirt.

It's just 2 days a week for 4 hours in the morning.  So far he's done really well.  Only a few tears each day. It's so nice for me to be able to get some things done and spend one on one time with Hadley.  I miss him terribly and get really excited to see 1:00 approach.

He's very proud of his Thomas backpack and needed to show it off..

His first day I promised a surprise when I picked him up, he loved the Nemo fish. I am amazed at the small things that can make a little boy so happy!
He cracked us up last week when he came home and told on himself.  He kept saying things like, "push AJ", "AJ fall down", "no no no no".  We asked  him why he pushed AJ and finally the next day he said, "AJ take tractor".
AJ is one of my best friends little boy so they already knew each other before class.  His teacher said they both get really into their play, push each other and act like brothers.

Luke & AJ

A new "first day of school" tradition was started: choice of dinner which was of course, pizza!

and a special cake!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy about the Truth!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hadley- 2 months old!

The past 2 months have been the fastest 2 months of my life!  They have also been probably the most happy and blessed of my life as well. A healthy and happy 2 year old and 2 month old, what more could we ask for?
Miss Hadley has been the most angelic baby!  She is so laid back and content nearly all the time.  If she cries, I know she is hungry, sleepy, needs a diaper change, or change of scenery (or wants away from big brother crawling all over her!).  I can count on one hand the number of times I couldn't figure out what was wrong.
She is the most fantastic sleeper! Before she was born, I set myself up for the worst and received the best! At 3 weeks old she started waking up once a night and by 6 weeks old has slept 8-10 hours! Certainly the icing on the cake in my opinion!
I can tackle anything 2 babies throw at me during the day if I've gotten a good night's rest!
The transition from 1 child to 2 has been fantastic for our family.  Far easier than what most people warned! We are truly blessed!

Enjoy the pictures of my little beauty at 2 months old...

Loves playing on her play mat.

I love all her hair!

She won't take a pacifier, but she loves to find her fingers.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Luke!

I can't believe my baby boy is 2 years old! What a blessing he has been in our lives! I love watching him change and grow up everyday.  Lately, he has been saying more and more words and putting them together in small sentences. He continues to LOVE anything with wheels on it and points everything out to me when we ride in the car. He is such a great big brother and loves to be around his little sister.
I'm learning there's a reason they call it the "terrible twos"!  He can go from being so sweet to falling on the floor & crying uncontrollably over something so small back to being sweet in a matter of seconds.  Luckily the good moments far outweigh the bad and I know the discipline will reap great rewards as the days pass.
I can't wait to see what the next year holds!

These pictures are from his birthday party with all his little buddies!

The result from me asking Luke to show me his happy face while he was eating.

Yep, Aunt Kelly got him a fish! He named it "Luke" and thankfully he's still alive!

Dragging Papa wherever he wants to go.  Poor Brodey's face, he's so sad that it had been storming and couldn't swim yet.

Daddy and Robert hard at work grilling for everyone.

My super talented friend, Ashleigh, made this cape for
 Luke.  One side is Superman the other is Batman.

Counting down to the big jump...

Jump! So proud of Luke and how much he's learned to "swim" this summer!
Hadley and her first picture with the O'Kelley girls.
Mama O, Me, Mandy, & June.